What brings you the most joy?
My sweet son, my dear husband and the imaginative play they create together. Overhearing their conversations crack me up daily.
Coffee. Obviously.
A quiet yoga practice that leaves me feeling spacious and strong.
And, knowing that my role as a doula (and the other work I do with new families) is truly what is right for me. Living in the fullness of who I’m meant to be brings me tremendous joy!

What are you favorite resources for new families?
Anything but Dr. Google! Finding health care providers that share your same philosophies of care will best support all of the decision-making new parents are faced with. And this starts with birth! Additionally, a great lactation professional and La Leche League meetings are both ways to help your breastfeeding relationship get off to a great start. BUT, just as important, find your tribe of new parents! Sit in circle with other new moms who are on this same transformational journey. Also, Target. Preferably with a Starbucks. Because you can spend hours in there, have adult conversations with the staff and… you’re almost guaranteed to meet other sleep deprived mom friends in the yoga pants aisle.

What brought you to this path of work?
I spent 12 years in director level positions negotiating partnerships between corporations and national NGO’s. As my career ramped up, so did my stress. I turned to yoga as a way to channel that energy and, in turn, found some real healing. When my husband and I married and I moved to the U.S. from Canada, it seemed to be the perfect opportunity to complete my initial yoga teacher training. I also happened to be pregnant at the time! Immersing myself in movement and intentional breath served me so well in my own birth that I knew I needed to explore this in a way that would also serve other pregnant and birthing women. As a trained Pre/postnatal Yoga Instructor and woman who has given birth, I’ve experienced first hand how certain yoga-inspired postures, meditation and the power of sound can all support pregnancy and labor. I wanted to be able to extend that wisdom beyond the yoga studio and achieving my Birth Doula Certification was a natural next step.

What do you love most about your work?
I love working with couples prenatally! There is so much information around birth—it can frankly feel a bit overwhelming. So I’m always continuing my education in pregnancy, birth and lactation. I love being able to equip the couples I work with with evidence-based information so they can make the decisions that work best for their family—from an informed place. When two halves of a couple come together to build out their birth preferences, to reflect on how the birthing mama would best receive support (I believe in both love AND labor languages!), the experience can be tremendously bonding—to both the pregnancy and each other. It’s so beautiful to watch that unfold!

What could you never give up?
Yoga pants, tattoos, caffeine, talking about birth, my son’s afternoon naps…oh, wait! Also, the ability to take deep, cleansing breaths. Pausing to take even inhalations and exhalations brings me back to myself. It’s how I find home internally.